
What does being a Christian disciple look like practically day to day, in the normal world of Melbourne , Australia in the 21st century?

We describe it using a simple acronymn,  BLLESMM.

Based on the work of Michael Frost in Sydney (BELLS), and  Rev Deacon Mat Harry in Melbourne (BLLESM),  we at St Andrew’s put our own spin on it, because we value community as well as the individual  in our faith journey.

If you would like to know more about the BLLESMM process,  feel free to download the power point presentation where it is described in more detail.

BLLESMM St Andrews berwick W Snook 2017

 2019 Lenten resources are available for free download.

free from the CTM shop.

www.ctmresourcing.org.au/Children and Families/2019 Lenten Resource

2019 Lenten photo reflection themes are: